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On the Little Dreamers blog
Some helpful blog posts & resources from the Little Dreamers team
Dec 27, 20243 min read
Top 10 Things to Consider When Choosing a Daycare Center
Choosing the right daycare centre is a big decision that can significantly impact your child’s well-being and development, as well as...
Dec 8, 20244 min read
Moving away from bed-sharing: Supporting your child in their own sleep space
For many families, bedsharing or co-sleeping has been a cherished part of their parenting journey. It’s often a natural, comforting way...
Nov 21, 20243 min read
Making the change from a cot to bed? Here are some tips parent to parent!
So you made the big move to a ‘big kid’ bed, then suddenly your little darling can get up and down ALL the time and they seem to love...
Sep 26, 20244 min read
Short/Long/Short or Medium/Medium: Let's chat about different routines
Every family has unique needs, and while some families thrive on routines, others may prefer a more flexible approach. The key is to find...
Aug 23, 20243 min read
Post Partum Anxiety & Depression: Sam shares her story
Oh you’re having a baby! Enjoy all the sleep now as you won’t be sleeping much soon.. Better bank up those sleep-ins now… We all know...
Aug 10, 20242 min read
How can non-breastfeeding partners support routine & settling?
As a new partner, you may feel like breastfeeding is a journey that primarily involves your partner and your new baby - and you'd be...
Aug 8, 20243 min read
How Can a Sleep Consultant Help You?
Parenting comes with its unique set of challenges, and one of the most common struggles is ensuring both the parent and the child get...
Jul 29, 20243 min read
'Cry it out' and co-sleeping are not your only option!
When it comes to addressing your baby’s sleep issues, the debate often seems polarised between two primary methods: Cry It Out (CIO) and...
Jul 23, 20242 min read
Stigma around "sleep training" holding you back?
Have you ever wanted to reach out for sleep support or even book in with Little Dreamers but worry about the stigma around ‘sleep...
Jul 15, 20245 min read
Sleeping through the night - how and when does it happen?
Sleeping through the night, every tired parent's dream! Raise your hand if you had a penny for every time another parent asked you if...
Jun 26, 20243 min read
Reasons why you might choose to wake your sleeping baby
Yep, you read that right! Let's chat about why waking your sleeping baby can be benefit and the impact it can have on your child's...
May 29, 20243 min read
Kids always sick? How to protect against winter bugs
Author: Paediatric ICU Nurse, Charlotte Young. As parents, it's common to feel like your child is always sick, especially during the...
Mar 27, 20243 min read
Why does my baby like to party overnight? Let's talk about 'split nights'
Does your little one wake in the middle of the night ready to party? Are they happy as larry, smiling and ready to hang out at 1am? Argh...
Mar 15, 20242 min read
Food before 1 is just for fun?
Author: Resident Nutritionist here at Little Dreamers, Tessa Scott. Who's heard the saying "food before 1 is just for fun?" Although...
Nov 15, 20233 min read
Safely Introducing Solids: Understanding Choking and Gagging in Babies
Author: Resident Nutritionist here at Little Dreamers, Tessa Scott. As your baby embarks on the exciting journey of transitioning to...
Oct 9, 20233 min read
Let's chat about the 'extinction burst'
Before we delve into explaining what an extinction burst is, it's important to understand how we, as humans, learn. For most of us, we...
Jun 26, 20232 min read
What is the 2-3-4 nap routine?
You may have heard of the 2-3-4 nap schedule but not really understood how it works and at what age it's best suited, so let's expand on...
Jun 7, 20234 min read
Resettling at daycare
Transitioning into daycare, home-based care or having a lovely friend/family member caring for your little one can bring about all sorts...
Jun 7, 20233 min read
Why is my baby having false starts?
False starts are when your baby does just that, falls asleep at bedtime but then next minute - just tricking, they are awake again within...
Jun 7, 20234 min read
What is reverse cycling?
If you've found yourself feeding your baby frequently overnight and feeling frustrated that they aren't feeding so much during the day...