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Are you looking for a simple, easy to follow routine for your little one? Not sure when to transition from 3-2 naps and how this might look over the day? You've come to the right place!


The foundations of setting up a good sleep environment and wind down routine stay the same from month to month however this eBook will help support you through important changes in relation to how their day sleep might change as they transition from 3 to 2 naps, sleep progressions, solids and its effect on sleep and also education around dropping milk feeds and how and when this happens. It also contains example feed and sleep routines for your little one from 8 months through to 12 months of age.


The Little Dreamers feed and sleep routine eBooks are designed to support you through the inevitable feed and sleep changes and help you adapt through these transitions. Having this guide will empower you to understand and feel more educated about your baby’s needs and assist you in managing the changes as they come.


As your baby nears 12 months of age, you might like to check out my 1 & 2 year old routine eBook. 


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